Vlasnik prodaje kucu u Kaludjerici

by Vesna
Published: January 28, 2025 (2 weeks ago)

Oglas na srpskom i engleskom jeziku

Advertisement in Serbian and English

Vlasnik prodaje legalizovanu kucu od 540m2 u Novom naselju-Kaludjerica, na prostranom i ravnom placu od 812m2.

Kuca je pozicinirana na veoma dobroj lokaciji.To se odnosi na samu lokaciju kuce u naselju, i povezanosti sa gradom. Mogucnost brze konekcije kolima i gradskim prevozom u svim pracima  grada i sire.

Beograd centar- 10km

Linije autobusa :

Smederevski put- Ustanicka 6km( pocetna stanica autobusa 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 309L, 311, 312, 50, 20.) do Grocke.

Ustanicka-Bulevar- Centar (tranvaji 5, 6, 7, 14 )

Ustanicka ka gradu autobusi 31,17,19

Izlaz na Autoput (Beograd-Nis) – 4km, u drugom pravcu ka Novom Beogradu, Zemunu, Novom Sadu.

Veliki broj prodavnica i soping centara su u okruzenju-Aviv i Beo trzni centar .Dve Lidl prodavnice u Ustanickoj i Kaludjerici.

Bubanj potok i Ikea Ava Shoping Park-10km

Mapa ba sajtu ne pokazuje tacnu lokaciju.

Ova kuca jedinstvenog stila je na tri nivoa sa potkrovljem. Prostrana je i svetla. Ima izlaz na dve ulice.

Prvi nivo:

2 sobe,  letnja kuhinja, tehnicka soba i garaza. Jedna od soba ima veliki ugradni plakar. Na istom nivou nalazi se nova pelet masina Termomont-Toby 50 (2023) sa garalncijom od 5 god

Drugi nivo:

2 dnevne sobe, trpezarija, kuhinja, kupatilo sa novom tus kabinom, gostinjski toalet. Sa tog nivola izlazi se na veliki balkon sa prelepim pogledom na plac i cetinare.

Treci nivo:

3 spavace sobe, kupatilo i jedna velika dnevna soba sa pogledom na plac. Pogled ka Avali i tornju. Jedna soba ima novi ameriki plakar sa puno prostora.


1 soba sa prelepim pogledom na Avalu i toranj, posebno u vecernjim satima. Ostatak potkrovlja je sa puno dodatnog prostora.

Grejanje je na pelet.

Kuca je legalizovana i ima svu potrebnu dokumentaciju.

U 2024.god postavljeni su u kuci svi novi prozori (Rihau) sa troslojnim staklom

Kuca se prodaje polunamestena i u dogovoru sa buducim kupcem.

Za sva dodatna pitanja pozvati-Vesna 069 697 046

Molim agencije da me ne kontaktiraju.

English version of the advertisement

The owner is selling a legalized house of 540m2 in Novo naselje-Kaludjerica, on a spacious and flat plot of 812m2.

The house is positioned in a very good location. This refers to the very location of the house in the settlement, and the connection with the city. the possibility of quick connection by car and public transport in all areas of the city and beyond.

Belgrade center – 10 km

Bus lines from and to Smederevski put – Ustanicka 6km (starting stop of buses 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 309L, 311, 312, 50, 20.) to Grocka.

Ustanicka-Bulevar-Centar (trains 5, 6, 7, 14)

Buses 31, 17, 19 from Ustanicka to the city.

Exit to the highway (Belgrade-Nis) – 4km, in the other direction towards Novi Belgrade, Zemun, Novi Sad.

Bubanj potok and Ikea Ava Shopping Park-10km

A large number of shops and shopping centers are in the vicinity – Aviv and Beo shopping center. Two Lidl stores are nearby in Ustanicka and Kaludjerica.

This unique style house is on three levels with an attic. It is spacious and bright. It has access to two streets.

First level:

2 rooms, summer kitchen, technical room and garage. One of the rooms has a large built-in closet. At the same level, there is a new pellet machine Termomont-Toby 50 (2023) with a 5-year warranty

Second level:

2 rooms, dining room, kitchen, bathroom with new shower cabin, guest toilet. From that level you can access a large balcony with a beautiful view of the plot and conifers.

Third level:

3 bedrooms, bathroom and one large living room with a view of the plot. View towards Avala and the tower. One room has a new American wardrobe with a lot of space.


1 room with a beautiful view of Avala and the tower, especially in the evening. The rest of the loft is with lots of extra space.

The house is legalized and has all the necessary documentation.

In 2024, all new windows (Rihau) with three-layer glass were installed in the house

The house is sold semi-furnished and in agreement with the future buyer.

For all additional questions, call Vesna 069 687 046

I ask the agencies not to contact me.